Pet Details

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We unfortunately can not put animals on HOLD.
*Available dates are subject to change.

This website is live and updates frequently. There is a chance that when you arrive at our location the animal you have an interest in may no longer be available.

Animal id #57337


Rottweiler Cross
My Story
Hi, I'm Brandy. I'm a very special girl with lots of love to give. I was born with my two front legs not fully formed; I have small stumps. I am able to hop about with my hind legs, but I do need some assistance to really get around (you may need to carry me outside so I can go potty). If you are able to get a doggie wheelchair for me, there will be no stopping me! I'm good around other dogs. I am a sweet, happy young dog with a full life ahead of me. Do you have room in your heart and home for a super-special dog like me? **I'M CURRENTLY IN FOSTER CARE, BUT I'M STILL AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION! TO INQUIRE, PLEASE CONTACT THE ADOPTION CENTER. Email: **
  • 9Mths 1Wks (approx)

  • Female

  • Black / Brown

  • Yes

  • N/A

  • Main Shelter location
    500 S. Humane Way
    Pomona, CA 91766

take note of the Animal ID before contacting us
  • My health has been checked
  • My vaccinations are up to date
  • My worming is up to date
  • I have been microchipped
  • Special Needs
  • OK with Dogs