Animal Cruelty

Ending Animal Cruelty Starts with You

It is a sad reality that millions of animals suffer and die each year due to human abuse, neglect, and exploitation. We must work together to identify and report any cases of animal cruelty that we witness or suspect, as well as educate others about the importance of treating animals with kindness and respect. Stopping animal cruelty is not only the ethical and moral thing to do, but it also benefits our society as a whole by promoting empathy, reducing violence, and creating a more humane world for all creatures.

if this is an emergency, please call our dispatcher at

(909) 594-9858


To report an animal related issue, click the button or fill out the information below.  If an animal is actively being abused or in distress, please do not use the form below and contact IVHS & SPCA Emergency Services at (909) 594-9858.

Our Humane and Animal Control Officers are available seven days a week and twenty-four hours a day for animal-related emergencies.

The Inland Valley Humane Society & S.P.C.A. provides animal care and control services to the cities of ChinoChino HillsClaremontCovinaDiamond BarGlendoraLa VerneMontclairOntarioPomonaSan Dimas, and the unincorporated areas of San Bernardino County; including West End, San Antonio Heights and Mt. Baldy.  If your city is not listed, you must contact the animal control agency for your city. 

There are some additional services that require a minimal fee.

how to stop animal cruelty

When you see an act of animal cruelty, neglect, or abuse, please email our investigative team at [email protected] or call 909-623-9777 and report the occurrence immediately. If immediate assistance is needed, please contact 911 and follow up with an email to our investigators. It is well documented that acts of violence against animals, any animal, can be a warning sign of future acts of violence against humans!

Be a role model for responsible pet ownership and follow your city’s animal ordinances (which can be located on your city’s website).

Be a voice for animals! Get involved in the lawmaking process and ask your elected officials to support laws that seek to protect animals.

To support efforts to help the Inland Valley Humane Society & S.P.C.A. stop animal cruelty, please make a donation!


responsibilites of a pet owner

  • To provide a pet with fresh food and water daily.
  • To provide shelter and shade.
  • To provide a safe fenced yard or cage area large enough to be comfortable.
  • To provide proper vaccinations (shots).
  • To keep a dog, cat or pig licensed.
  • To provide veterinary care.
  • To keep a dog in a fenced yard or on a leash, and not allowed to roam free.
  • To keep as pets only those animals which make good pets and are legal to keep (no rattlesnakes, ferrets, etc).
  • To provide love and proper care (such as grooming) for a pet.